domenica 25 aprile 2010

The Sartorialist is in town.

Sometimes you wake up in the morning and all you can think about is how awesome your life is.

You put your favorite shirt on and go with your beloved Milla for a meet&greet with The King of Style and Lord of Bloggers and have a brief but intense talk. You notice the trench and faint.

You, silly girl, get your agenda signed. A new treasure in your bag.

Then, you meet two amazing girls, and take a picture of them taking pictures of you and Milla. Respectively Marie and Emi (make sure to pay their blogs a visit, they are awesome).

Marie has to leave, and you and the girls decide to go for some window shopping around Harajuku.


You walk back to some remote place near United Arrows where the meet&greet was held, because Hannah needs a veggie burger, and Emi and you crave lemonade. Time goes by, and at some point you just decide to go back home.
This is when a group of three girls walks into Scot Schuman on his way back to United Arrows, and are brave enough to ask him to take a "purikura" (mini-sticker pictures) together. And he says yes. Perfect timing? Destiny? Who knows, and who cares, honestly.
We spent a fair amount of time with him, walking back to Shibuya trough Yoyogi Park, went to Opening Ceremony and finally showed him the infamous 109 mall in Shibuya. We mainly talked about fashion and such, and it was terribly interesting. Mr. Scott is one of those (rare) people you could listen to for hours and hours without getting bored, a real source of inspiration for me and thousands of fashion craving human beings.

Absolutely priceless. April 24th is now The Sartorialist Day, on my calendar.
Emi got some pictures on her blog of our stroll, so check it out.

End of the story. Start breathing again.

8 commenti:

  1. I'm looking forward to seeing u on his blog! I don't like his Tokyo pics until now, but I'm sure that'll change with the posts abt u!

  2. Soccia che "patatone"! Potrei seriamente mettere in discussione la mia eterosessualità per il sig. Scott!

  3. Hi Alice,just wanted to say that is a reaally cool blog
    if you wouldnt mind go and check mine I'll be very pleased

  4. @Cattola YEEEY! :D

    @Very V., Mr.Scott took a snap of Milla, so we might see her on his pages ;) That would be pretty neat! Anyway, the snaps he took in Japan are pretty unique and very "Japanese". Japanese fashion strikes again, and is very very different from American and European one. I like his Milano and NY shots better, to be honest, but the Tokyo ones aren't bad either!

    @Pal, e' Capitan America fatto uomo!

    @Nicco F., grazie per la visita! Contraccambio e ti lascio un commento!

  5. This is OMG! I gotta check out his blog every SECOND, dearedst! It will freak out your mom if your prikura was really posted on his blog.

  6. and this picture is very celebrity-like!!!

  7. ciao alice! sono un'amica di diego! quindi forse tu sai dove si trova questo? era sul loro blog questa settimana! un abbraccio!
